Prostate Molds for MRI Research
Our Prostate Integrated Diagnostics (IDx) team at UCLA has developed materials and procedures for creating patient-specific 3D prostate molds. The 3D prostate contour is segmented on pre-surgical in vivo T2-weighted MRI and used to design/print a custom mold for each individual patient. These prostate molds can be used to perform ex vivo MRI of the resected prostate specimen and facilitate alignment between pre-surgical in vivo MRI, ex vivo MRI, and whole-mount histopathlogy slides for research. The instructions and template files for 3D printing are provided below for academic use.
File download (includes instructions) [updated 2018.3.28]
Priester A, Natarajan S, Khoshnoodi P, Margolis DJ, Raman SS, Reiter RE, Huang J, Grundfest W, Marks LS. Magnetic resonance imaging underestimation of prostate cancer geometry: use of patient specific molds to correlate images with whole mount pathology. The Journal of Urology 2017;197:320–326.
Priester A, Wu H, Khoshnoodi P, Schneider D, Zhang Z, Asvadi N, Sisk A, Raman S, Reiter R, Grundfest W, Marks LS, Natarajan S. Registration Accuracy of Patient-Specific 3D Printed Prostate Molds for Correlating Pathology with Magnetic Resonance Imaging. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 2018.
Wu HH, Priester A, Khoshnoodi P, Zhang Z, Shakeri S, Afshari Mirak S, Asvadi NH, Ahuja P, Sung K, Natarajan S, Sisk A, Reiter R, Raman S, Enzmann D. A System Using Patient-Specific 3D-Printed Molds to Spatially Align In Vivo MRI with Ex Vivo MRI and Whole-Mount Histopathology for Prostate Cancer Research. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2018.