Faculty Profile - Kyung Sung, Ph.D.

SungK          Kyung Hyun Sung, Ph.D.

Professor of Radiological Sciences, Bioengineering,
& Physics, Biology in Medicine IDP

Office  Peter V. Ueberroth Building, Suite 1417B
E-mail  ksung AT mednet DOT ucla DOT edu
Phone  310.268.6842
Web      Sung Lab | Personal Webpage

Research – My research interest is to develop fast and reliable MRI methods that can provide improved diagnostic contrast and useful information. In particular, my group is currently focused on developing advanced deep learning algorithms and quantitative MRI techniques for early diagnosis, treatment guidance, and therapeutic response assessment for oncologic and cardiac applications. We have developed several novel image reconstruction algorithms and image analysis tools, which improve the spatial and temporal resolution of MRI and easily facilitate quantitative MRI analysis. Such developments can offer more robust and reproducible measures of biologic markers associated with human cancers and ischemic placental disease.

Research Interest – Cancer Imaging, Artificial Intelligence, Human Placenta Imaging

Background – I completed my B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Korea University before starting my Ph.D. studies at the University of Southern California in Electrical Engineering. I finished my postdoctoral training at Stanford in the Departments of Radiology and joined the UCLA Department of Radiological Sciences in 2012 as an Assistant Professor.

Favorite thing about UCLA? Wonderful people and great food!

Selected Publications: @PubMed or @Google Scholar