Assistant Research Scientist: Shu-Fu Shih, Ph.D.

Xinzhou Li

Graduate Student, Bioengineering
Office 300 UCLA Medical Plaza, Suite B109
E-mail sshih AT mednet DOT ucla DOT edu
Web Wu/Zhong Labs

Research – My research is focused on developing techniques for volumetric free-breathing quantitative liver MRI. My current project involves (1) developing motion tracking methods to compensate motion in free-breathing acquisitions and (2) developing novel phase-sensitive deep learning networks to reconstruct undersampled radial MRI data that can provide accelerated volumetric liver fat quantification.

Research Interests – MRI Image Reconstruction, Deep Learning in MRI, Quantitative MRI

Background –  I completed my B.S. in Electrical Engineering at National Taiwan University and my M.S. in Biomedical Electronics and Bioinformatics at National Taiwan University before I came to UCLA. 

Favorite thing about UCLA  Food, campus, wonderful people.

Selected Publications: