
Graduate Degree Programs

Students within the labs are usually from the following Undergraduate and Graduate Programs @ UCLA:

MRI-specific Graduate Courses:

  • M209 - Signal and Image Processing in Biomedicine (Fall Quarter, Ruan)
  • M219 – Principles and Applications of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Winter Quarter, Sung)
  • PBMED 222 – Advances in Medical Magnetic Resonance: Clinical MR Spectroscopy and Fast MRI Techniques (Fall Quarter, Thomas)
  • M236 – Contrast Mechanisms and Quantification in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Spring Quarter, Ellingson)
  • M229 – Advanced Topics in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Spring Quarter, Wu)

Graduate Courses – The following two Biomedical Physics courses are offered at UCLA for graduate students and include an introduction to MRI as part of the course. Enrollment may be limited for non-BMP students.

  • PBMED 205 – Physics of Diagnostic Radiology (Fall Quarter, McNitt-Gray)
  • PBMED 227 – Human Disease: Current and Future Role of Biomedical Physics (Spring, TBA)

Other relevant courses include:

  • PBMED 286 – Image Registration Techniques (Spring Quarter, Santhanam)

Informally, we also convene for our Friday Physics Forum to discuss recent publications and advanced topics in MRI.

Workshops for Engineers and Physicists

MRI Pulse Sequence Programming Workshops

  • Faculty and staff within the group offer a pulse sequence programming workshop on an as-needed basis. This is typically offered every couple of years.  The workshops cover introductory or advanced topics in MRI pulse sequence programming and image reconstruction.

Lecture Series for Clinicians

UCLA Radiology Residents’ Lectures

  • 7:00am - 9:00 am via Zoom 
  • A series of MRI lectures are provided each year to help prepare the residents for a career in Radiology and prepare for the Board Exam.

UCLA Radiology Fellows’ Lectures

  • 7:00am - 8 am via Zoom
  • Advanced Medical Imaging Techniques & Applications